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Slovensko Orava Castle

Ubytovanie Slovensko Orava Castle

Slovensko Orava Castle: Miesto, kde sa stretáva kultúra a histórie

Stredoveký hrad Orava, nachádzajúci sa v severozápadnom Slovensku, je obdivuhodným príkladom architektúry a histórie. Hrad sa nachádza nad zákutím rieky Orava, na kopcach Západných Tatier, a slúžil ako dominantná stavba Oravského kniežatstva až do 18. storočia. Dnes je to turistická atrakcia, ktorú by ste určite mali navštíviť, keď sa ocitnete v tejto oblasti.


V prípade, že sa rozhodnete navštíviť Oravský hrad, máte na výber viacero možností ubytovania v okolí, ktoré sú vhodné pre vaše individuálne potreby a požiadavky. Orava Castle Hotel & Resort, ktorý sa nachádza v tichej a pokojnej oblasti Oravy, poskytuje luxusný pobyt v Hotelovom krídle so 44 izbami, ktoré sú elegantne zariadené a pohodlne vybavené. Navyše, miestne kolesá a wellness centrum s bazénom a saunou sú k dispozícii pre oddych a relax.

Ďalšou možnosťou je ubytovanie v penzióne obklopeného krásnou prírodou, kde sa môžete tešiť z výhľadov na rieku alebo hory v okolí. Táto možnosť ponúka súkromné a útulné miesto, kde sa môžete tráviť kvalitný čas s rodinou a priateľmi. Penzióny v okolí ponúkajú aj jedinečné tradičné jedlá a ochutnávky miestnych produktov.

Pre tých, ktorí hľadajú niečo jednoduchšie a ekonomickejšie bývanie, existuje možnosť kempovania v okolí hradu. Kampovanie je vhodné pre tých, ktorí milujú prírodu a chcú skúsiť niečo nové a iné. Táto možnosť je pre vás, ak ste pripravený na nejakú dobrodružnú cestu a skúsenosť s prírodou.


Oravský hrad bol postavený v 13. storočí a jeho históriu tvorili mnohí majitelia. Venujte sa prehliadke 3 poschodového hradu, ktorý sú plné histórie a tajomstiev. Interiér hradu je plný valu osnáženými so stredovekými zbraňami, nástrojmi, schodiskami so záhadnými dverami a klenbami. Z hradu je tiež krásny výhľad na okolité krajinu a horské vrchy.

Okrem Oravského hradu, existuje mnoho ďalších atrakcií ako napríklad Horná Orava, malé historické mestá, Vyhliadkova lanovka Oravice, ZOO Orava, rozhľadne, jazerá, cerkov, rieky a horské stúpania. Turisti si tiež môžu vyskúšať rafting alebo rybolov na rieke Orava.

Kultúrny život

Oravský hrad je aj miestom, kde sa stretávajú kultúry a tradície. Na hradnom nádvorí sa v letnom období koná niekoľko kultúrnych podujatí a festivalov. Môžete sa tešiť na folklórne vystúpenia, koncerty, výstavy rôznych umelcov a remeselných dielní.

Okrem toho, Oravský hrad je miesto, kde natáčali niekoľko filmov vrátane slovenského “Kolja”, ktorý bol ocenený Oscara za najlepší zahraničný film.


Ak hľadáte ubytovanie a zároveň chcete objaviť krásy Slovenska, Orava Castle je skvelou voľbou. Je to jeden z najkrajších hradov na Slovensku a ponúka jedinečnú atmosféru a dokonalý spojenie histórie, kultúry a prírodných krás.

Pripravte sa na dobrodružnú a vzrušujúcu cestu, plnú nových zážitkov a pamiatok. Bude to určite nezabudnuteľná skúsenosť, ktorá bude trvať celý život!

Dovolenka Slovensko Orava Castle

Orava Castle: A Historical Gem in Slovakia

Slovakia, a small but beautiful country in Central Europe, is home to many hidden treasures. One of these remarkable gems is Orava Castle, located in the stunning Orava region. This majestic fortress boasts not only breathtaking architecture and stunning views but also a rich history that dates back centuries.

Orava Castle is perched high on a hilltop, offering visitors panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It is an iconic symbol of Slovakia and is often referred to as the "Pearl of Orava." Its strategic location atop a steep cliff made it an ideal fortification, serving as a stronghold for centuries.

First mentioned in written records in 1267, Orava Castle has witnessed numerous historical events and changes throughout its existence. Originally built as a wooden fortification, it was gradually transformed into a stone castle over the centuries. Its construction reflects various architectural styles, including Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque, making it a unique blend of different periods.

The castle consists of several interconnected buildings, towers, and courtyards that visitors can explore. Each section showcases different aspects of its history and offers a glimpse into the lives of the castle's inhabitants. The extensive exhibition within the castle walls features authentic artifacts, including weapons, furniture, and artwork, providing an immersive experience of the castle's past.

One of the castle's standout features is its chapel, dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel. Adorned with beautiful frescoes and ornate altars, the chapel serves as a silent witness to many significant events, including coronations and weddings. Standing within its walls, one can't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence.

Visiting Orava Castle allows you to step back in time and imagine the stories that unfolded within its walls. Exploring the narrow hallways, climbing the spiral staircases, and wandering through the castle grounds is like embarking on a historical journey. The castle's strategic position atop a hill also provides breathtaking panoramas of the surrounding mountains, forests, and the Orava River, creating a photographer's paradise.

Aside from its historical significance, Orava Castle has also captured the attention of filmmakers. It has been featured in several movies, most notably as Count Dracula's residence in the 1922 German expressionist horror film "Nosferatu." Its eerie ambiance and distinct architecture make it a perfect setting for haunting tales.

Orava Castle is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in history, architecture, or simply seeking an unforgettable travel experience. It offers a glimpse into Slovakia's past and showcases the country's cultural heritage. The nearby Orava region also provides several outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, and exploring the picturesque village of Oravský Podzámok.

Whether you are a history enthusiast or a nature lover, a visit to Orava Castle should be on your bucket list. Immerse yourself in its rich history, marvel at its stunning architecture, and be captivated by its breathtaking surroundings. Orava Castle is a true treasure, standing tall as a testament to Slovakia's remarkable past.

Letenka Slovensko Orava Castle

Orava Castle: Explore Slovakia's Magnificent Medieval Fortress

Slovakia is known for its rich history and stunning castles, and one such gem is Orava Castle. Located in the Orava region of northern Slovakia, this mesmerizing fortress is perched high on a hilltop, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. A visit to Orava Castle is like stepping back in time, as it stands as a testament to the country's medieval past.

Getting to Orava Castle is easy, especially for those flying into Slovakia. With several international airports in the country, including the well-connected Bratislava Airport, travelers can find flights to Slovakia from various destinations worldwide. Once you land, hiring a car or opting for public transportation is the best way to reach Orava. The castle is situated near the town of Oravský Podzámok, which is easily accessible by road or train.

As you approach the castle, its imposing silhouette will leave you in awe. Built in the 13th century, Orava Castle is a true architectural marvel. Its strategic hilltop location and robust fortifications make it a formidable structure. The castle has witnessed several transformations throughout the centuries, reflecting different architectural styles. From the original Gothic design to Renaissance and Neo-Gothic additions, each era has left its mark on this majestic monument.

Inside the castle, visitors are treated to a captivating journey through history. Explore the enchanting courtyards, stroll through the grand halls, and admire the intricate details of the medieval architecture. The castle also houses various exhibits showcasing the life and culture of its former inhabitants. From historical artifacts to unique collections, every corner of the castle tells a story.

One of the highlights of a visit to Orava Castle is the chance to explore its eerie underground chambers. Descending into the labyrinth of tunnels, you will discover hidden passages, secret chambers, and even a torture chamber. This spooky adventure adds an extra layer of excitement to the overall experience, making it a must-do for thrill-seekers and history enthusiasts alike.

Orava Castle's location is another reason why it attracts tourists from far and wide. Surrounded by the picturesque Orava River and lush mountainous landscapes, the views from the castle are simply breathtaking. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding nature and capture some stunning photographs that will make your memories last a lifetime.

To ensure a memorable visit, consider joining a guided tour of Orava Castle. Experienced guides will take you through the castle's fascinating history, sharing intriguing legends and stories along the way. Their knowledge and passion bring the castle to life, making the visit even more engaging and informative.

Whether you are a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply a traveler seeking unique experiences, a visit to Orava Castle is sure to leave a lasting impression. So, book your flight to Slovakia, make your way to Orava, and prepare to be enchanted by this awe-inspiring medieval fortress.

Počasie Slovensko Orava Castle

Orava Castle: A Majestic Landmark in Slovakia

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Slovakia lies the enchanting Orava Castle, a true testament to the country's rich history and architectural heritage. Situated on a hilltop in the Orava region, this medieval fortress stands proud, overlooking the Orava river and the nearby village of Oravský Podzámok. As one of the most iconic castles in Slovakia, Orava Castle attracts visitors from far and wide who are captivated by its majestic charm and stunning surroundings.

The castle's roots can be traced back to the 13th century when it was built as a fortress to protect the Hungarian Kingdom's northern borders. Over the centuries, it underwent multiple transformations, additions, and renovations, eventually turning into the imposing Renaissance castle we see today. With its strategic location and formidable defensive structures, Orava Castle played a vital role in Slovak history, serving as a military outpost, a royal residence, and even a museum.

One cannot help but be awe-inspired by the castle's exterior, as its grandeur and architectural prowess are truly remarkable. The castle's towering walls, turrets, and defensive towers exude a medieval atmosphere, transporting visitors back in time. The entrance gate, guarded by a sturdy drawbridge, evokes a sense of anticipation and curiosity as one steps inside the fortress.

Once inside, visitors are greeted with a maze of winding corridors, spacious courtyards, and beautifully furnished rooms, all meticulously renovated to reflect different historical periods. The castle's interior showcases a blend of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles, preserving its rich cultural heritage. Walking through the castle halls, one can admire intricately carved wooden furniture, ornate tapestries, and fascinating artifacts, which bring the castle's history to life.

Apart from its architectural magnificence, Orava Castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Set against the backdrop of the dramatic Tatra Mountains and verdant forests, the castle provides a picture-perfect panorama that captivates every visitor. Whether shrouded in mist or basking in the glow of a setting sun, the castle's ethereal beauty never fails to leave an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to witness it.

The Orava region is known for its ever-changing weather patterns, which only enhance the castle's allure. In the springtime, the hills surrounding the castle bloom with vibrant wildflowers, dotting the landscape with a riot of colors. Summers are often warm and sunny, making it the ideal time to explore the castle's gardens or bask in the scenic views from its hilltop vantage point. Autumn brings a kaleidoscope of golden hues as the leaves change, creating a magical atmosphere reminiscent of a fairytale.

Winter, on the other hand, transforms the castle into a true winter wonderland. Blanketed in a thick layer of snow, Orava Castle becomes an enchanting sight straight from the pages of a storybook. Its cobbled pathways and Gothic towers covered in frost create a mesmerizing ambiance, attracting visitors eager to experience the castle's charm in this ethereal setting.

Irrespective of the season, a visit to Orava Castle promises an unforgettable experience. As one explores its historic halls, gazes upon its breathtaking vistas, or simply takes a leisurely stroll through its grounds, the castle's rich heritage and natural beauty merge to leave a lasting impression on all who visit.

Najčastejšie otázky a odpovede Slovensko Orava Castle

1. Ako sa dostanem na Oravský hrad?
- Na Oravský hrad sa môžete dostať autom alebo verejnou dopravou. Od Ružomberka, zastávka Široká, je možné využiť autobusovú linku číslo 10, ktorá Vás zavezie až k hradu.

2. Koľko stojí vstup na Oravský hrad?
- Cena vstupného na Oravský hrad závisí od typu návštevy a veku návštevníka. Dospelý vstup stojí 8 eur, pre deti, študentov a dôchodcov je zľava.

3. Aké sú otváracie hodiny Oravského hradu?
- Oravský hrad je otvorený pre verejnosť počas celého roka, okrem pondelka. Otváracie hodiny sa môžu líšiť v závislosti od sezóny, preto je odporúčané pred návštevou skontrolovať aktuálne informácie na webovej stránke hradu.

4. Aká je história Oravského hradu?
- Oravský hrad je jedným z najznámejších hradov na Slovensku a jeho história siaha až do 13. storočia. Hrad bol postavený na skalnatom kopci nad riekou Oravou a slúžil ako obranná pevnosť. V priebehu stáročí prešiel niekoľkými prestavbami a dnes je známy ako významná turistická atrakcia.

5. Existuje možnosť prehliadky Oravského hradu s sprievodcom?
- Áno, návštevníci majú možnosť využiť prehliadku hradu s licencovaným sprievodcom. Táto možnosť je vhodná pre tých, ktorí by radi počuli zaujímavé príbehy a historické informácie o hrade.

6. Koľko trvá prehliadka Oravského hradu?
- Prehliadka Oravského hradu trvá približne 45 minút a zahŕňa niekoľko rôznych častí hradu vrátane expozícií a výhľadových miest.

7. Sú na hrade k dispozícii nejaké stravovacie zariadenia?
- Áno, na Oravskom hrade sa nachádza reštaurácia, kde si môžete počas návštevy oddýchnuť a posilniť sa tradičnými slovenskými jedlami.

8. Aké ďalšie atrakcie sa nachádzajú v blízkosti Oravského hradu?
- V blízkosti Oravského hradu sa nachádza napríklad Múzeum kysuckej dediny, denný areál Ski Oravice alebo Oravská priehrada, kde je možné sa venovať vodným športom a rekreácii.

9. Je možné sa na hrade ubytovať?
- Áno, na Oravskom hrade je možné nájsť ubytovanie v jednoduchých izbách, ktoré sú vybavené pre návštevníkov s plným využitím histórie a atmosféry hradu.

10. Je pri hradnom komplexe dostupné bezplatné parkovisko?
- Áno, pri Oravskom hrade sa nachádza bezplatné parkovisko pre návštevníkov. Je však obmedzené kapacitou, preto je odporúčané prísť včas.

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